
Sunday, October 27, 2013

We are to thank God in all things (primary theme for November 2013)

Heavenly Father made this earth
And all that dwells within it
He made the plants and animals
And He's the father of our spirits.

He made all things for us
Because of His great love
He watches and directs us
From His home above.

He gave us the commandments
And sent Christ to show the way
That we may live with Him again
At the end of this long day.

With hearts full of gratitude
We thank Him for all things
For His loving kindness
And the blessings that He brings.


  1. Love this! Do you mind if my sunbean uses this for his talk in Church? Whom should i give credit to for this poem? Thanks!

    1. Absolutely! You can tell people about my blog if they ask, I'm not worried about it.
